Wir haben eine finnische Seite entdeckt ( http://www.pkamk.fi/of/ ), auf der die finnischen Tracks des Iron Curtain Trail eingestellt sind. Da diese Tracks nur mit Google Maps und als viele Teilstrecken angeboten werden, haben wir Kontakt zu Raija aufgenommen:
Betreff: Iron curatain trail - Bike Routing tracks
Terve, terve!
Hello Raija,
we are from Germany and just discovered your website about the EV-13-Route. Excellent done!
We are definitely gonna make this trail in this july and we are interested in getting more informations about the routes and services around.
We saw your single 43 tracks. Is it possible to get them all in a single file? That would be great.
Thanks in advance and best greetings to Finnland!
Pit + Mary
Ein paar Tage später kam die Antwort:
Dear Pit and Mary!
Nice to hear about your cycling plans! Your choice is defenetly the best you can make!
Unfortunately our Google Maps are in 43 sections bacause of the Iron Curtain Trail project we had last year. Those maps are not ment to tourists nor maketing, only for working purpose, but they are open to everybody. We made them to do status report about Iron Curtain Trail in Finland. That is why there are so many sections (we have to devide the route to sections, if there were differences between services, authorities, route infrastructure and so on).
Sorry to tell you but to get all the information to one Google Map is impossible because of the Google. It just cannot deal with such amount of information in one page. :)
The route infrastructure is good or exellent on the route. There are some districts without services, so you have to take enough water and food with you, if there is nothing to buy over 40 kilometers. Last summer I cycled about 700 km (from Kuusamo to Näätämö and Norway) and enjoyed a lot! There were so peaceful, so beautiful and so good routes!
If you need more information, please let me know!
All the best
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